Monday, August 25, 2008

Surprises in Hong Kong...

While experiencing HK I have some run into some good news and bad news...

Phew! What a busy few days this has been! Sorry to all of you who thought I was ignoring you...I just didn't have any internet in HK (and by no internet I mean they were making me pay and I didn't really wanna do that!) :) I have some good news and bad news.

Good News: I bought a new suitcase, Bad News: My new suitcase has bent wheels, but I am getting very buff carrying my stuff.
Good News: I got some new shoes, Bad News:

Good News: I saw some awesome sights, Bad News: My camera ran out of batteries, so I am not able to share them with you.

Good News: I am making some really good friends, Bad News (or good?): I got a hotel room to myself.

Good News: I had the most amazing Chinese dinner ever (still practicing with the chopsticks tho). Bad News: A reaction of crying and screaming when being served pigeon and then the boys consequently putting its head in their mouths only reiterates and solidifies the reputation that we Americans are obnoxious.

When we first got to HK the typhoon was still blowing over so there was a TON of rain. But we Seattlites come prepared:

While I was in Hong Kong I saw a Buddhist temple, visited babies in a Chinese orphanage (so adorable!), went to tone of the highest points and saw a view of the entire city, bought a watch for $3 US dollars , and learned about the wonders of a decent transportation system. The weather the last two days was hot and sticky! I couldn't wait to take a shower when I got back to my hotel room.

Bible Verse of the Day:

Romans 8: 19-21
"The creations waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay, and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God."

Chinese Word of the Day:

Huxi 呼吸 "to breathe"


  1. I'm soooo glad to hear your good/bad news. You'll have to tell me more about you suitcase dilemma later. It's so exciting to think about your experiences and adventures present and to come. Keep blogging! What's up with prepaid phones. I heard that Costco has international phones, so let me know, if you want me to find out more. I love you!!

  2. like the picture you took looking up in a mirror(?), Or was it a reflection in a window? Very cool; like where in the world is Sarah!
    I love you!

  3. Hi sara. watching you move, have fun g & g

  4. Have a wonderful & safe time.  You never know what you're going to get over there for food!!!  I bet you can get the wheels on your suitcase fixed real cheap.

    Love ya

  5. Hi,
    I just found you. Glad to hear you are having a good time.With Love, Grandma........ Sheiderer

  6. I've heard the phrase, "Slow boat to China;" is that true?

  7. 9/9/08
    Thanks for the up date. Sounds like you are having to much fun. Ha!! Wish I could be there too. I am so happy for you. Enjoy all the time you have over in China!!!!!!! With Love, Grandma Scheiderer

  8. So nice to hear from you. Sounds like you are having a great time. Wish I could be there too. Just enjoy youself. With Love, Grandma..

  9. So nice to hear all about you great times. I wish I could be there with you. With Love, Grandma..
