Thursday, May 26, 2011

Going Home 我回家了!

May 21, 2011

Yesterday was my last day of work at the China Entrepreneur Club. Looking back on this experience, I can see how blessed I was to meet so many amazing people and do so many incredible things. It was both Claire and my last day, so I hope that Amy will be alright working by herself for a while. I am pretty sure they will hire a new intern for the summer, so she won’t have to be alone for too long. The people in my office all work very hard, and it is this work ethic that has left a deep impression on me. I am going to miss it a lot, but I know that I will be able to see them all again soon! Before I left, I took the postcards that I brought with me from Seattle and wrote each of my co-workers a little note. I wish there was more I could leave with them, but a postcard and a memory will have to suffice. The media team at Haidian Church had a little going-away party for me during Thursday night Bible study, so that was pretty fun! We ate a ton on food and, like always, had fun with the language barrier and laughing about all the mistakes I was making. My English Bible study is going to take me out to dinner on Tuesday night, so I am excited about that! It is beginning to actually feel real now. I am going home soon. Things are winding down.

Preparing to leave, I have been thinking a lot about the things that I miss about America and the things I will miss about China. So, here is my short list of top 10 things I miss about the US/China:

Top 10 Things I Miss About America

10. Western-style toilets and enclosed showers

9. Cheese

8. Driving my car/relatively safe traffic conditions

7. Facebook, Youtube, & other social networking sites

6. Walking down the street without having to worry about stepping in loogies/baby poop

5. Freedom of assembly

4. Real coffee

3. Fresh air

2. My friends and family, of course

…And the #1 thing I miss about America is…

1. Speaking English and having people understand what I am saying!

Top 10 Things I Will Miss About China

10. Riding the subway

9. Baozi 包子 every morning for breakfast

8. Eating with chopsticks

7. Having “tea breaks”

6. KTV Karaoke (卡拉OK)

5. less than $1 DVDs

4. Incredibly cheap everything

3. Bargaining

2. My host family, co-workers, and church friends

….And what is the #1 thing Sarah will miss about China?!?...

1. Speaking Chinese and having people actually understand most of what I am trying to say! J

Ok, so I will go home this next Wednesday, May 25th so I need to start packing. And I have a 惜别会(farewell) Karaoke party today. Unfortunately, many of my co-workers have a long weekend meeting to go to, but I still think a rather sizeable number of people from elsewhere will be able to come! Until my next China Adventure…再见!

Chinese Word of the Day

盼望 Pan wang: “hope for” “long for” “look forward to”

Verse of the Day

John 3:17 “For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him”

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